Christmas will soon be upon us and with it, presents and bills. But we at Phoenix Title Loans would like to offer our own gift to our loving customers: Title Loans to help them during the ‘Most Wonderful Time of the Year.’

Extra money for Christmas

Title Loans are a hidden gift that helps you out in financial tight spots. And the process to get one is relatively simple:

  1. Bring your vehicle(or boat, or trailer, or even a mobile home) to any of our locations.
  2. Be sure to have an Arizona or State-Issued Driver’s License.
  3. Bring the vehicle/collateral’s title and make sure the title is in clean standing.
  4. Simply fill out a few forms at that location. The process usually takes less than an hour at most.

While this may look complicated, the process is fairly simple once in place. And before you know it, you have the cash you need for the gifts for loved ones or handling the craziness of bills.

Getting the money you need

This Holiday season and for this year as well, having just a little extra pocket change can go a long way. Title Loans can be that extra push a customer needs to cover expenses or get the gift for that special loved one. While money is not everything, it IS better to have enough to get what you need taken care of. That’s why we focus on informing our customers about Title Loans. That extra income can be used for many things.

Santa doesn’t need to be the only one bearing gifts! We have several locations throughout the Valley of the Sun that can give you the cash from our title loans; so think of us as localized Little Helpers of Santa. We’ll give you the present of cash, so you can give to loved ones the presents they deserve!