Bad Credit Title Loans Help Those Without the Best of Credit
You’ve heard it before: “I’m sorry, your credit score is too low.”, “If your score was this, you would get the loan.” Long and short, no money in your pocket. Well, those days are GONE. Now, thanks to Phoenix Title Loans, LLC, you can get a Bad Credit Title Loan. You read that last sentence correctly. YOU. CAN. GET. A. BAD CREDIT TITLE LOAN.
What does a “Bad Credit Title Loan” mean?
A Bad Credit Title Loan is a service we’ve introduced here at Phoenix Title Loans, LLC, to help our customers that simply have no other avenues to get the cash they need. If you’re looking here, then I’m sure you’re aware of your bad credit, or aware of the fact that other financial institutions simply won’t loan you the money you absolutely need. We don’t discriminate here at Phoenix Title Loans, LLC, and are always doing everything in our power to help you in your time of need.
To have a bad credit score, infers that a person does not pay their bills in a timely manner, or some, not at all. And it is represented by a credit score of 600 or lower. Some of us might even be below that as the lower than 600 mark is more of a guideline than a factual “Bad Credit” indicator. The easy way to truly determine if you have bad credit is if you simply don’t have other avenues to secure cash that you need. We’re here to help — we’ve even secured loans for those with credit scores within the 300s! That’s pretty low, and we made it happen, so pay us a visit and let us help you as well!
Will a Title Loan Effect my Credit Score?
Whether you have bad credit or good credit, a bad credit title loan from Phoenix Title Loans, LLC will not affect your credit score. Even if you do not pay off the loan! Think of a Title Loan from us as a personal loan – one that you might get from your cousin, mother, grandmother, father, friend, etc. When you received a loan from them, it didn’t affect your credit at all – and it works the same way with us.
When receiving a loan from us, we are always discreet, and follow our nondisclosure policy to the tee. Whether it is a relative or a spouse, we will not disclose any information regarding your loan unless we have permission on your behalf.
What’s the duration of Bad Credit Title Loans?
Our Bad Credit Title Loans typically are the same duration as our other Auto Title Loans, after which you have several options. You could pay off the loan in full. You can also pay off just the minimum monthly payments each month, just until you decide to just pay the whole thing off. If you need more information, you might find the answers you need on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
It’s not a gimmick. We’re here to help you back on your feet when times are tough. That’s what Bad Credit Title Loans are for. We’re not as finicky as a bank, so come to our store today. Also, by paying off this loan, it’s a start to showing good credit stewardship.
Serving the Valley at our eleven locations throughout the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan area and continuing to serve for over 20 years. So when you need a place for Bad Credit Title Loans, your one-stop location will be Phoenix Title Loans!
Any Other Benefits That Phoenix Title Loans Offers?
Absolutely! We also have the benefit of accepting almost ANY vehicle with clear title and a KBB Value over $2,500. If you don’t meet these guidelines, we can often suggest other alternatives.
We even refinance title loans in case you feel it too much to handle. And at our location in Van Buren, our Boat Title Loans customers have the benefit of us storing their boats with us while they pay. Free up the time to get your loan paid and space around the home for whatever purpose in mind. What other Title Loan company is willing to provide these great services? Other than us, very few.
Low Loan Interest Rates
Phoenix Title Loans, LLC, is unique to Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler, and Tempe, in the sense that we can offer quality interest rates in town. As discussed above, we make you a cash offer. If you decide to take less than half of the cash offer we’ve given you, then we can offer interest rates as low as 60% APR (can be subject to other qualifications)! There’s nowhere else in town that will come close to that rate, and if you need more than half, you can find out other ways to lower your interest rate here.